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A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun or a noun phrase in a sentence.

Example : Amit is absent because he is ill.

Kinds of Pronoun 

1. Personal Pronoun : Personal pronoun are those which stand for the three persons.

a) First Person : the person speaking.

Pronoun used : I, we

b) Second Pronoun : the person spoken to.

Pronoun used : you

c) Third Person : the person other than the above two.

Pronoun used: he, she, it, they

Rule : A personal pronoun must be the same number, gender, and person as the noun for which it stands.

Incorrect : Every man must love their own country.

Correct : Every man must love his own country.

Rule : A pronoun must agree with its antecedent in person, number and gender.

Incorrect : I am not one of those who believe everything I see.

Correct : I am not one of those who believe everything they see.

Rule : When a pronoun stands for a collective noun, it must be in the neutral gender and 

i) singular number, if the collective noun is viewed as a whole.

ii) plural number, if the collective noun conveys the idea of separate individuals.

Incorrect : The committee decided the matter without leaving its seats.

Correct : The committee decided the matter without their seats.

Rule : When two or more singular nouns are joined by and and refer to

i) separate persons, the pronoun used for  them must be plural.

ii) the same person, the pronoun used for them must be singular.

Incorrect : Both Manas and Appu showed his fondness of his father.

Correct : Both Manas and Appu showed their fondness of their father.

Rule : When two singular nouns joined by and are preceded by each or every, the pronoun must be singular.

Incorrect : Every teacher and every student got their dress ready.

Correct : Every teacher and every student got his dress ready.

Rule : When two or more singular nouns are joined by or, either... or or neither...nor, the pronoun is generally singular.

Incorrect : Neither Mani nor Guni has brought their identity card.

Correct : Neither Mani nor Guni has brought his identity card.

Rule : When a plural noun and a singular noun are joined by or or nor, the pronoun must be in the plural.

Incorrect : Neither the father nor his sons cared for his books.

Correct : Neither the father nor his sons cared for their books.

The 123 rule of joint pronoun : When a pronoun refers to more than one noun or pronoun of different persons, it must be of the first persons plural in preference to the second, and of the second person plural in preference to the third.

Incorrect : You and I, husband and wife, have to look after your home.

Correct : You and I, husband and wife, have to look after our home.

Note : 123 is a shorthand to remember the above rule. 1 stands for first person, 2 for second person and 3 for third person.

231 manners : The second person should come before the third and the third person before the first.

Rule : The complement of the verb to be, when it is expressed by a pronoun, should be in the nominative case.

Incorrect : It is him whom we are looking for.

Correct : It is he whom we are looking for.

Rule : If a pronoun is used as the object of a verb or of a preposition, it should be in the objective case.

Incorrect : Let you and I take a dip into holy water.

Correct : Let you and me take a dip into holy water.

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