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 2. Reflexive Pronoun : When the action done by the subject reflects or turns back upon the subject. In other words, the subject and the object refer to the same person or thing.

Example : He killed himself.

Emphatic pronouns : For the sake of emphasis.

Example : I myself went to finalize the deal.

Rule : When the following verbs are used reflexively a reflexive pronoun must be put after them : absent, acquit, apply, avail, enjoy, exert, forget, over-reach, pride, resign.

Incorrect : I absented from the class.

Correct : I absented myself from the class.

Rule : The following verbs are usually not followed by a reflexive pronoun : bathe, break, burst, feed, form, gather, hide, keep, lengthen, make, move, open, qualify, rest, roll, steal, stop, turn.

Incorrect : I bathed myself in the river.

Correct : I bathed in the river.

Rule : A reflexive pronoun cannot be used as a substitute for the subject.

Incorrect : Mohan and Myself decided to join politics.

Correct : Mohan and I decided to join politics.

3. Demonstrative Pronoun : The pronoun that are used to point out the objects to which they refer, are called demonstrative pronouns. 

Example : this, these, that, those, such.

This is a book.

Rule : When two things which have already been mentioned are referred to, this refers to the thing last mentioned, that to the thing first mentioned.

Incorrect : India and England shared a relationship of exploitation; this was the slave and that the master.

Correct : India and England shared a relationship of exploitation; this was the master and that the slave.

Rule : Pronoun it comes before the phrase or clause to which it refers whereas this follows the phrase or clause it refers to. 

Incorrect : This is true that bell-bottoms were once in fashion.

Correct : It is true that bell-bottoms were once in fashion.

4. Indefinite Pronouns : When a pronoun refers to a person or a thing in a general way, but not to any person or thing in particular, it is called an indefinite pronoun. 

Example : one, none, all, some, somebody, nobody, few, many, any, other, anybody, anyone, everyone. In sentences like

They say India will reach on top of the world one day.

They is an indefinite pronoun.

Rule : In referring to anybody, everybody, anybody, each etc., the pronoun he or she is used according to the context. But when we are not talking categorically of the females, the pronoun of the masculine gender is used.

Incorrect : Each can buy whatever she wants with her own money.

Correct : Each can buy whatever he wants with his own money.

Rule : The indefinite pronoun one should be used throughout, if used at all.

Incorrect : One should take care of his house.

Correct : One should take care of one's house.

Rule : None is used in the singular or plural as the sense may require.

Incorrect : Each boy was accomplished by an adult but there were none with the orphan.

Correct : Each boy was accomplished by an adult but there was none with the orphan.

Rule : Anyone should be used when more than two persons or things are spoken of.

Incorrect : I could not meet either of my three brothers at home.

Correct : I could not meet anyone of my three brothers at home.

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