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Articles are used to indicate whether a noun refers to a definite (specific thing) or indefinite (non specific thing).
There are two types of articles : 
Definite article (the) refers to a specific thing.
Indefinite articles (a, an) refer to a non specific or general thing.

If the noun is general or non specific, use "a" or "an".
A and an are indefinite articles, used to indicate single item.
The is a definite article and it is used to assign a definite position or place to thing or a person can be used with both uncountable and countable nouns.

A) Use of the Definite article The
    The is used before
1. The superlative degree :
    He is the richest man of the town. (richest is a superlative degree)
2. The names of states, countries, etc. having a descriptive name : 
    The USA is the most powerful nation. (USA is a descriptive name means United States of America)
3. The name of the scriptures :
    The Gita is a holy book. (Gita is a scripture)
4. Name of newspaper : 
    The Tribune is published from Chandigarh. 
5. Name of rivers, canals, seas, oceans, bays gulfs groups of islands, etc. 
    i) The Ganga is a holy river.
   ii) The Indian Ocean is the deepest ocean.
  iii) The Rajasthan Canal is the longest canal in India.
  iv) The Persian Gulf is a narrow gulf. 
6. The names of famous buildings : 
    The Taj is one of the best buildings in India.
7. The names of nationals :
    The English defeated the Germans in the last World War.
8. Proper nouns used as common nouns :
    i) Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India.
   ii) Delhi is the London of India.
NOTE : In this context, 'the' article is to be used only before the second noun and not before the first.
9. Famous historical events :
    The Industrial Revolution changed the face of England.
10. The directions :
      The sun rises in the east.
11. Names of unique things; as the Sun, the Moon, etc.
      The Sun and the Moon are the lamps of heavens.
12. Names of the parts of the body in place of possessive adjectives.
      i) Make him stand by the year.
     ii) He stuck me on the head.
13. Titles : 
      Akbar, the great was loved by his subjects.
14. Comparative degree of adjective when there is a sense of proportion :
      The deeper the well, the cooler the water.
NOTE : The 2nd form of adjective is called the comparative degree of adjective.
15. Adjective of comparative degree when selection is meant :
      She is the more beautiful of the two sisters.
16. Use of common nouns as collective nouns :
      i) The rich should help the poor.
     ii) The Hindus believe in the caste system.

Do not use 'The'
1. Before language / proper nouns :
    The English is an international language. (incorrect)
    English is an international language. (correct)
2. Before Abstract nouns :
    The honesty is the best policy. (incorrect)
    Honesty is the best policy. (correct)
    Honesty , Beauty , Truth , Love , etc. are abstract nouns.
    If the abstract noun is particularized , i.e., the name of some persons or place is attached to it, the will be used.
    Example : - The honesty shown by him was highly praised.
3. Before the names of metals :
    The gold is a precious metal. (incorrect)
    Gold is a precious metal. (correct)
    If the material is particularized, the is used.
    Example : - The gold of India is exported to other countries.
4. Before the names of food grains :
    The rice is the favorite food of the Bengalis. (incorrect)
    Rice is the favorite food of the Bengalis. (correct)
    But if the name of the food grain is attached with the name of a place or person, the is used.
    Example : - The rice of India is exported to other countries.
5. Before the names of meals :
    He enjoyed the lunch with his friends. (incorrect)
    He enjoyed lunch with his friends. (correct)
    When the meal is a particular one, we use the.
    Example : - The dinner will be held at the Ashoka Hotel.
6. Before the names of games :
    The hockey is a popular game. (incorrect)
    Hockey is a popular game. (correct)
7. Before collective nouns used in general terms :
    The parliament has passed the bill. (incorrect)
    Parliament has passed the bill. (correct)
    Mankind, Parliament, Cattle, Society, etc. are collective nouns.    

B) Use of Indefinite Articles A and An
A is used before :
1. All singular common nouns beginning with a consonant :
   i) A boy sings a song.
  ii) A black and white cow were grazing in the field.
2. If a word begins with a vowel but gives the sound of a consonant, a should be used before it :
   i) He was helped in his work by European. 
  ii) He is a one-eyed man.
 iii) It is a useful work.
3. Use a as an unspecific reference before a consonant :
   i) He likes to read a book. 
  ii) That was a funny story.
4. Use a when the word following it starts with a consonant sound :
   a book, a hospital, a leg, a one-inch pipe, a youth
   a union, a uniform (use a when the u sounds like the y in you)
   a hotel, a history book, etc. 

An is used as follows :
1. All singular common nouns beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) :
   i) He is an artist.
  ii) He is an old man.
 iii) I intended to buy an umbrella.
2. If a word starts with a consonant but gives the sound of a vowel, an should be used before it :
  i) Brutus is an honorable man. (h is silent)
 ii) He is an honour to his profession.
iii) He is an L.L.B.
iv) He is an M.A.
 v) You will reach there in an hours.

Direction : Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical mistake/error in it. The error if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the letter of the part with error as your answer.

1. Kunal (a)/ was (b)/ sent to (c)/ a prison (d)/ No error (e).
2. Kshitiz (a)/ is (b)/ a (c)/ honest boy (d)/ No error (e).
3. The sun (a)/ rises in (b)/ the east (c)/, is an universal truth (d)/ No error (e). 
4. Times of India (a)/ is a most popular (b)/ newspaper (c)/ these days (d)/ No error (e).
5. The teacher (a)/called a (b)/ last boy (c)/ standing in the queue (d)/ No error (e).
6. The apple (a)/ a day (b)/ keeps (c)/ the doctors away (d)/ No error (e).
7. Shreya (a)/ gave (b)/ me (c)/ the watch (d)/ No error (e). 
8. I have been waiting (a)/ for her (b)/ for more than (c)/ half a hour (d)/ No error (e).
9. My mother forbade my (a)/ sister to (b)/ go to theatre (c)/ at night (d)/ No error (e).
10. Man on fast has not taken (a)/ even water for (b)/ the last two days (c)/ No error (d).
11. Mohan will inherit the property (a)/ after the death (b)/ of his elder brother (c)/ No error (d).
12. True happiness in this world (a)/ is the right terrestrial (b)/ aim of man (c)/ No error (d).
13. The old lady made (a)/ a special tea for us (b)/ with herbs that spelled of oranges (c)/ No error (d).
14. I remember having read (a)/  somewhere that the first (b)/ satellite was launched by Russians (c)/ No error (d).
15. The children collected (a)/ money to donate (b)/ to the institution for deaf (c)/ No error (d). 
16. Nisha was reading (a)/ with such concentration (b)/ that she did not hear the doorbell (c)/ No error (d).
17. Every man, woman and child is now aware (a)/ of the terrible consequences (b)/ of habit of smoking (c)/ No error (d).
18. It being rainy day (a)/ most of the people (b)/ out on the street were (c)/ carrying umbrellas (d)/ No error (e).
19. The success (a)/ of popular composer (b)/ depends on (c)/ his melody (d)/ No error (e).
20. Mr. Khurana is not wealthy (a)/ so he cannot (b)/ afford to buy (c)/ a expensive car (d)/ No error (e).


 1. d  2. c  3. d  4. a  5. b  6. a  7. d  8. d  9. c  10. a
 11. d  12. a  13. c  14. c  15. c  16. b  17. c  18. a  19. b  20. d

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